The Policing and Crime Act 2017 provides a mandate for Blue Light services to achieve closer working, collaboration and integration where appropriate in the interests of greater transparency, efficiency gains and provide improved value to the community.
Keeping people safe
We view collaboration as an opportunity to reduce costs and improve services to the public, so we continue to explore new opportunities to work together through the Blue Light Collaboration Strategic Board, chaired jointly by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Deputy Chief Constable.
We also work in partnership with other fire and rescue services on both front line and support services, such as our shared strategic operational command arrangements and shared Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service with Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service. These arrangements have not only improved services but allowed the Authority to make efficiency savings.

Blue Light Colleagues
We work closely with our blue light colleagues in Bedfordshire Police and the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST).
Currently Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service are collaborating with Bedfordshire Police and EEAST on a number of projects. These include:
- Co-locating police officers and community support officers at Ampthill, Bedford, Leighton Buzzard, and Toddington community fire stations
- Co-locating paramedics at Dunstable, Luton, Sandy, Shefford, Stopsley and Bedford community fire stations
- Assisting Bedfordshire Police with searches for vulnerable missing persons
- Assisting paramedics to gain entry to premises where there is suspected risk to life of the occupant
Bedfordshire Local Resilience Forum
We are part of the Bedfordshire Local Resilience Forum (BLRF) which was formed in 2004. It brings together the emergency services, local authorities, National Health Service and other agencies which are all required to respond to any major emergency in Bedfordshire.
BLRF meets regularly to plan and organise response to major incidents and coordinate variuous collaborative working.