Building Regulations and Fire Safety Consultations
If you intend to carry out any building work, you will need to ensure that any work complies with the requirements of The Building Regulations 2010.

In England and Wales, the building Act 1984 and its Building Regulations 2010 apply to new buildings and to building work such as the erection, extension or material alteration of an existing building
Building Regulations also apply where there is a material change of use. The building control authority or approved inspector will consult with the fire and rescue service. for general advice and information see Building Regulations 2010: Approved Document B
The regulations impose fire safety requirements covering:
- Where it is proposed to erect a new building, to carry out building work or to make a material change of use, application should be made to your local building control authority or other building approval body;
- Means of escape in case of fire;
- Compartmentation to inhibit fire spread;
- Fire-resistance of elements of structure;
- Space separation between buildings to reduce the risk of fire spread from one building to another;
- Reduction of spread of flame over surfaces of walls and ceilings;
- Structural stability, and;
- Access for fire appliances and assistance to the fire service.
Contact should initially be made with the building control officers at your local district or borough council.