Make a complaint
If you have a complaint, comment or compliment about our Service please use the link below.

All complaints will be acknowledged, giving a reference number, within 7 working days of receipt.
- If possible, the complaint will be resolved by the appropriate manager within 10 working days (Stage 1).
- If further action is required after the initial 10 day period, the complaint will be referred to a senior manager. If possible, the complaint will be resolved within a further 10 working days (Stage 2).
- If no satisfactory conclusion is reached, the complaint will be passed to the Customer Relations Officer (Assistant Chief Officer). If possible, the complaint will be resolved within a further 10 working days (Stage 3).
If a satisfactory conclusion still cannot be reached, the customer will be given assistance to refer the matter to the Ombudsman.
Complaints against Members of the Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA)
The Authority has, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, adopted a Member Code of Conduct and has put in place arrangements for dealing with allegations that a Member or Members may have breached this Code. The Member Code of Conduct can be found in the Fire Authority's Handbook.
How to make a complaint about a Member of the FRA
If you wish to complain about the conduct of a Councillor (Fire and Rescue Authority Member) serving on the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority (BFRA) and has breached the Members' Code of Conduct, you must submit your complaint to:-
Monitoring Officer, Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, Southfields Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire MK42 7NR
Please note that the process outlined in the complaints guidance only applies to allegations that a Member or Members may have failed to follow the Code of Conduct. It will not deal with complaints about things that are not covered by the Members' Code of Conduct.