Budget approved for fire service

A dire national funding situation has left Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) with a challenging decision to approve the next financial year’s budget.
Members of the FRA today (13 February 2025) debated the pressures nationally and locally that face Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, whilst also being conscious of the rising cost of living that residents face.
Members reluctantly agreed to increasing the council tax precept by £5 a year (up to £117.72 per year per Band D equivalent property). This 4.4 per cent increase will generate an additional £386,000 to maintain the frontline services people rely on, compared with a 2.99 per cent alternative.
Cllr Michael Headley, Vice Chair of the FRA, said: “There is a gap of over £470,000 caused by a reduction in government grant funding. On top of that, the Government’s National Insurance Employer Contribution increases have caused a further £240,000 shortfall.
“It is also necessary for the Service this year to replace ageing fire engines and vital operational equipment. Other cost pressures have come from the unfunded changes to firefighters’ national terms and conditions leaving us with one of the most challenging financial positions we’ve ever faced.
“We’re meeting this with a balance of making savings of over £350,000 and having to increase council tax by 4.4 per cent.”
At the FRA meeting, the 2025/26 revenue budget was set at £42.685 million.