As a Public Sector organisation, Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) is required to follow Public Procurement guidelines to ensure that each procurement follows a fair, ethical and transparent process. This page contains information relating to BFRS procurement service. This includes our procurement strategy, contracts register, standard terms of business, authority spend over £5,000, how to supply goods and services, and how to register for contract opportunities.

Best Value
Fire and Rescue Authorities have a duty under Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1999 to secure ‘best value’, having full regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. BFRS is committed to undertaking all procurement activities in a manner which promotes quality and value for money; this does not mean always accepting the lowest price.
Social Value & Environmental Considerations
The Social Value Act 2012 states that all public bodies must consider how what they are proposing to buy might improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing. This includes promoting innovation, employment and social inclusion, protection of the environment, energy efficiency, and combating climate change.
BFRS is committed to ensuring social value and sustainable use of resources is embedded throughout the procurement process from commissioning to contract management and outcomes measurement. We hope that this will increase opportunities for small and medium sized organisations, giving them the opportunity to demonstrate the full extent of the value they could add to the local community.
Modern Slavery & Procurement
BFRS is committed to eliminating modern slavery in our supply chains and sub-contracting arrangements, both during the procurement and contract management phases.
In applying this overall proportionate approach, BFRS is aiming to ensure that barriers to participating in new procurements are not created and unnecessary burdens are not placed on SMEs and VCSEs when assessing risks in existing contracts.
You can view our Modern Slavery Statement here.
Contract Opportunities
As a public sector organisation, the way in which BFRS purchase goods, services and works is governed by the UK Public Contract Regulations 2015.
The majority of our spend is through formal contracts that have been subject to competition or awarded through framework agreements set up for the public sector. Where the opportunity presents itself we will work with other public sector organisations to ensure value for money and efficiencies are realised.
Public sector contracts over a specified threshold must be advertised via the UK e-notification service on Contracts Finder
Register for the Bluelight E-procurement portal which gives access to tenders published by police and fire services within England and Wales.
Procurement Act 2023 – Are you Ready
Public procurement is changing. The Procurement Act 2023 will improve and streamline the way procurement in the public sector is done – including providing more flexibility, greater transparency and, a central digital platform aimed to benefit prospective suppliers of all sizes.
The Procurement Act goes live on 24 February 2025.
It is designed to:
- Increase transparency
- Create more flexible procurement processes, aligned to the marketplace, product, or service
- Increase supplier engagement
- Help level the playing field for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Simplify the bidding process with a new central digital platform, so suppliers can register their details once for multiple bids, find a tender and see all opportunities in one place
- Create more flexible commercial frameworks, giving suppliers improved access
- Strengthen provisions for prompt payments
- Develop compliance and complaints processes and consideration of national security and debarment issues
Any supplier who provides goods, services, or works to the public sector, needs to familiarise themselves with the new Procurement Act 2023.
There are a number of resources available.
- Suppliers Guide
- Knowledge Drop Videos
- Useful Links
Further information is available from the links below.
Blue Light Commercial – Procurement Act 2023 for Suppliers
Central Digital Platform
Transparency Data
Spend Data
In response to the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, we provide financial transparency by publishing detailed information about our contracts, purchase orders, commissioned activities, and framework agreements that exceed £5,000.
Contracts Register
In line with the Government Transparency Code, public sector authorities are required to publish our corporate register of contracts. The contracts register contains details of all active contracts at or over £5,000.