If you're preparing for Ramadan or Eid celebrations, take cooking fire safety into consideration to keep the whole family safe.
Please remember it only takes one accident to cause a fire, so follow these cooking safety tips:
- Take extra care when cooking with oil, as it easily sets alight
- If deep fat frying, only one third of a pan is filled with oil prior to frying food
- If a pan or wok is smoking excessively, turn off the heat
- Never throw water on a burning pan, cover with a damp tea-towel and turn off the heat
- Be very careful with loose clothing and ensure it does not come into contact with a naked flame
- Do not leave cooking unattended

Smoke Alarm Testing
Smoke alarms are a must when it comes to fire safety. Having a smoke alarm on every level of your house will protect everyone when a fire occurs. It is important to test the smoke alarm(s) regularly, and to replace the battery, if it hasn’t been changed in the last six months.
Road Safety
When driving please take care and remember:
- Follow all speed limits.
- Respect road laws, including wearing your seatbelt.
- Follow the Highway Code.