Home Fire Safety Visits
We offer Home Fire Safety Visits to vulnerable people to assess their home for safety.

What is a Home Fire Safety Visit?
On a visit, our team will assess the home for fire safety, including your gas and electrical appliances, access and escape routes, and smoke alarms. They can also offer advice regarding falls, smoking and make referrals where needed.
Who is eligible?
Our visits our free and easy to arrange for vulnerable people such as those who are over 65, live alone, have a disability or dependency, or have adult social care needs.
How do I book or refer someone for a visit?
Click the link at the top, or alternatively you can contact us by email or by phone.
Do you know someone living with dementia?
People with dementia or memory problems are in the highest group of risk of injury from a fire related incident in the home. We are working with local dementia services to support people with dementia to live safely in their homes.

Privacy Notice for Home Fire Safety Visits
If you have decided that you want Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) to undertake a Home Safety Visit, it's important that you understand how your personal information will be collected and used and what rights you have when it comes to your information.