In case of emergency
If you have a fire in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT, Call 999. After an incident follow our advice.
In section: In case of emergency
Celebrations and events
Even during special occasions, fire safety has to be taken into consideration. Here's some top tips for key events and celebrations.
In section: Celebrations and events
Fire safety in the home
Do you know the key causes of fire in the home? If you are prepared with working smoke alarms, you can keep your family safe.
In section: Fire safety in the home
On the road
Stay safe on the road by following our advice for all road users including driver, bikers, and cyclists.
In section: On the road
Parents and carers of children
Advice for parents and carers on how to communicate fire safety to children and help them stay safe in the event of a fire.
In section: Parents and carers of children
Safety outdoors
Fires in the open can spread easily and get out of hand. Follow our tips on barbecues and outdoor fires.
In section: Safety outdoors
Water safety
If you got in trouble in the water, would you know what to do?