Our corporate management team is responsible for overseeing the effective delivery of the key projects that underpin delivery of our CRMP and ensuring project risks and resources are effectively managed.
To support the delivery of our CRMP, we have a range of measures known as key performance indicators (KPIs) which align to the strategies underpinning the CRMP and reported to the FRA every quarter. You can view these and the targets set by the FRA on our website. The Authority sets challenging targets for a range of key performance indicators which help them to provide oversight and scrutinise our performance, both in terms of activity outputs and outcomes. This ensures the Service is effectively scrutinised to ensure it is functioning efficiently and effectively and delivering our CRMP.
Every year we publish an Annual Report on our performance that explains progress with key performance indicators and our CRMP.
In addition, we publish an annual Statement of Assurance that seeks to provide assurance on financial, governance and operational matters, showing that Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service continues to deliver the expectations detailed within our CRMP.
Each year the Service conducts audits in specific areas to provide assurance to our processes and identify further areas of improvement. We are also required to periodically respond to national audit and self-assessments on specific areas of our service, such as specialist response capabilities for flood rescue.