Road Traffic Collisions (RTC)
BFRS attends less than half of all fatal RTC and less than one fifth of KSI RTC

- The COVID-19 pandemic reduced traffic volume and the number of persons killed or seriously injured (KSI) in RTC in 2020-21. This is consistent with national trends. Although the number of RTC incidents has increased from 2020-21 levels, this remains below the average number attended pre-COVID
- Prior to 2020-21 there was an apparent increasing RTC KSI trend, particularly in Central Bedfordshire
- RTC vulnerabilities are in line with the national profile, with pedestrians, cyclists, powered two wheelers, young drivers, older drivers at relatively greater risk
- The proportion of pedestrian casualties is highest in Luton Borough, cyclists in Bedford Borough and cars and goods vehicles casualties in Central Bedfordshire
- The number of RTC attended has a five-year average of 412 per year and appears to show a decreasing trend, with a similarly decreasing trend in extrications performed, but 2020-21 reductions are likely to be associated with pandemic social restrictions and more data is needed to have confidence this pattern will endure